Monday, February 4, 2013

Podiatry Malpractice - A Case of an Improperly Performed Bunion surgical operation

Read Review On Podiatry Malpractice - A Case of an Improperly Performed Bunion surgical operation

A woman in New York went to a podiatrist to treat her bunion on her right foot. The podiatrist told her that if she had a bunion surgery known as a Lapidus bunionectomy she would be able to resume her active lifestyle and be able to wear stylish shoes again. The doctor told the sick person had done "many" of these bunion surgeries and never had a sick person who had any complications.

After the bunion surgery, when the sick person began to bear weight a few months after surgery, she continued to complain of pain on the lowest of her foot. These complaints continued for many months until finally the foot doctor recommended that she have remedial surgery to try and shorten bones that were adjacent to the bones that had been operated on. By this time, nine months after surgery, the sick person lost belief with this podiatrist and decided to get an additional one opinion, except this time with a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who had a specialty in foot and ankle surgery.

This orthopedist carefully that her second and third metatarsals were long in comparison to the relatively short first metatarsal that had been shortened during the bunion surgery. In addition, the first metatarsal was located too far down to where it regularly should be. As a follow of these findings, together with the patient's complaints, remedial surgery was recommended in order to shorten the second and third metatarsals. As a follow of the traditional bunion surgery, the military of her foot shifted so that now all of her weight was going on to the second and third metatarsals. The sick person described feeling as if there was a rock in her foot every time she walked.

The remedial surgery, done by the orthopedic surgeon, unfortunately was unable to achieve the desired result. As a result, the sick person still had complaints of pain, ache and irritation every time she walked on her foot. She claimed that after long day of being on her feet, she often limped at home and occasionally had to use a cane to get colse to her home. After an entire year without any correction of her allembracing foot condition, her orthopedic surgeon recommended an further surgery to shorten the second and third metatarsals. As an alternative, she was offered the option of having destructive surgery which would destroy parts of the joints in her foot in order to fuse them together.

Since the surgeon could not certify that she would achieve any improvement, she has decided to live with the pain for the foreseeable future. If her condition worsens, she will have to undergo one or both of these surgeries.

This case was tried to verdict in Westchester County supreme Court in the state of New York. After a vigorously defended case, the jury carefully that my client was entitled to receive .5 million as full and fair compensation for her injuries caused by this podiatrist.


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